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« London by i-Phone part 3 - One store I loved!! | Main | Where have I been!? »

June 26, 2011


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Ik krijg heimwee naar Londen....

Mooie foto's, Corinne!

Lucy Folch

My darling I really need to chat with you.
I gotta show some ladies what scrapbooking is about.And only showing some of your work I'll be able to explain it to them.So if you let me I'll make a special post on my blog using some of your images.Is your email addy the same?LMK please:)
BTW wonderful pics from London.
Miss you my forever IDOL!

Lucy Folch

Thank you so much my dear friend:)
The post is up:)
and like always you rocked my world.
And yes once again you are my inspiration on the batle of loosing weight!
Bacause of you I'll do it with all my power and soon I'll ave great news about it:)
Thanks for existing in my life!

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