I have felt this for more than a year now. I kept pushing this feeling back because I was afraid to listen to it. I made all kind of excuses for it and I kept going knowing deep within it didn't feel good. In Montpellier with Céline I made the descision for me to stop with scrapbooking. But just when I spoke it out loud to Dina, I got an email from Tim Holtz asking me to make projects for him for CHA and inviting me to come to Ranger U. I now see that this was a sign from God, saying "Corinne have you really learned to listen to your heart or are you still listening to your head?" Of course I choose my head, hello, I LOVE Tim and his products and Ranger U is something I wanted to do for so long so I told Tim yes I would do it. He send me stuff to play with and I opened the box and since than said to myself every week, I am now going to scrapbook.....and when the week was finished I haven't made one single thing. I woke up at 5 this morning and lay in bed thinking and realized it was not going to happen, it is over.
I decided to quit scrapbooking, no more workshops, no more Scrap-A-Licious weekends, no more magazines, no more Design Teams. This scares the shit out of me to take this step. Scrapbooking has been my life for more than 5 years, it brought me such awesome experience and joy and most of all very good friendships. I am afraid of loosing some of them when I am no more around in the scrapbooking scene.
I still will be creative, but mostly with my photography now. My business is blooming really fast and I am very thankful for that. I have some amazing opportunities coming up and I feel like this is just the beginning for me. I also will be posting here, still sharing my life and artwork(still plan to do at least something from now and than ;) and my photo's with you. Being creative is a part of me and something I love everyday.
Not only my heart isn't in it anymore, I also need to know my boundaries. My ADHD doesn't allow me to do all the things I want to do. I still need to learn how to divide the hours that are in one day. My focus needs to be more on my family, household as well in order to become completely happy.
Maybe in a year from now I think what was I thinking?!, but this now feels the right thing for me to do.
So this is a Goodbye but also a Hello.
Hope you still stick around.
oh wow...
I really don't know what to say... because you are (still) my inspiration.
I respect your decision and wish you LUCK :*:*
and Merry Christmas of course :*
Posted by: jaszmurka | December 18, 2009 at 09:47 AM
You have to do what is best for you, and I totally understand the "my heart is not in it"-part. I think quite a few scrapbookers are struggling with this, and I myself have totally left the paperscrap and gone over to digi because I'm feeling exactly what you are describing. I miss it dearly and I'm hoping to get "it" back someday, but until then I'll just do other things. It might take a year or five or it might not ever happen, but I have to accept it the way it is.
And don't worry, we'll stick around! ; )
Have a merry merry Christmas!
Posted by: Anna | December 18, 2009 at 09:56 AM
Congrats good for following your hart! It must be hard leaving something that has been such a big part of your life, but closing one door will open an other and I think you've found one :-D good luck with your new yourney! xoxo eef
Posted by: Eef | December 18, 2009 at 09:59 AM
Sad to hear you´ll quit scrapbooking, but still you are sooo creative with your photos! And I´m sure your photos will be as much inspiration as your scrapbooking!
Posted by: Norunn | December 18, 2009 at 10:11 AM
What a tough decision to make... But you will be fine! Your heart is with photography now and you are still doing great work! I love to look at your photography, so I'll definitely stick around for that! Thank you some much for all the scrapbook inspiration you gave us, for Scrapalicious (that was fun!) and for all your creative (non scrapbooking) endeavors to come!
Posted by: marsha. | December 18, 2009 at 10:22 AM
Wat een moedige maar moeilijke beslissing die je genomen hebt! Je kiest voor jezelf en dat is belangrijk!
Heel veel succes met de dingen die je wel blijft en gaat doen, super dat het zo goed gaat met je fotografie.
Ik vind het heerlijk om je blog te volgen en zal dat ook zeker blijven doen mocht je zin hebben om het bij te blijven houden.
Posted by: Ingrid | December 18, 2009 at 10:37 AM
I have a small inkling how you feel.My new resolution last year was to get on some design teams.Within 2 months I was on 3.The pressure than took all the fun and joy out of scrapbooking.I hated the having to scrap something.Now I'm happy just knowing I was good enough but now just scrap for me.This years resolution is to improve my photography.So Corinne I will definitely stick around for that.
People always say to me,my talents are wasted staying at home being a housewife,but who cares I am happy.I hope you find your happy place to.XXXXXX
Posted by: Karen Aldrin | December 18, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Wat goed dat je je hart volgt. Dappere beslissing! Maar je hebt er goed overnagedacht en zoals je het beschreven hebt, is dit momenteel de beste keuze voor jou. Heel veel succes, geluk en sterkte met al het andere moois dat op je pad gaat komen! Geniet ervan!
Posted by: Debby | December 18, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Dear Corinne,
I think you're doing right. Maybe you will not stop completeley and scrap only for yourself and your family, only if you want and without any pressure from the outside, without deadlines and stress.
Well, I will be missing your fabulous stuff but it is your life, we only have one... and we should not waste it and come up to somebodys expectations. Be you! Be creative!
Posted by: Anja | December 18, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Wow goed voor jou dat je zo'n moeilijke beslissing hebt kunnen nemen. Jammer dat we je zullen missen in scrapbookland. Je workshop weekends waren erg leuk. Maar het is een nieuw begin en wie weet in de toekomst. Heel veel succes met alles en ik blijf je volgen, en misschien tot ziens. Doei doei Astrid
Posted by: Astrid | December 18, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Ik vind het erg jammer dat je stopt met scrapbooken maar begrijp het volkomen. Veel plezier met je fotografie. Je maakt schitterende foto's.
groetjes Isolde
Posted by: Isolde | December 18, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Lieve Corinne, wat een moeilijke maar dappere beslissing! Daar kunnen we alleen maar respect voor hebben. Ik zal het wel missen want ik vond je workshops altijd erg leuk en ook hoe jij ze gaf! Ik blijf je hier zeker volgen :-)
Volg je hart en je dromen en alvast hele fijne feestdagen voor jou en je gezin, liefs D xx
Posted by: Danielle Muit | December 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM
I so know what you mean. Since Scrap-a-liq... I draned myself and now I so need to get back to the flow or quit. Can't make layouts anymore, unless I copy others *s* Minialbum works.. but that's it *s*
Can totally see myself comming to the same decision in a near futur... especially now then the babybrother is on the way.
Wish you all the luck in you new business!!
Wiah you came so sweden and had a few photoshots here ;-) Tell me when if you are ;)
Posted by: Jenny | December 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM
We blijven je volgen ;)
Is het een idee om een soort van workshop fotografie te verzorgen voor ons scrappers.
FAL ipv SAL ;)
Wie weet in de toekomst.
Weet bijna zeker dat je veel aanmeldingen zult ontvangen. We willen tenslotte allemaal van di mooie foto´s om te scrappen.
Posted by: Petra Coolen | December 18, 2009 at 01:00 PM
I totally understand and wrap my arms around you! I'll still be stopping by to visit!
Posted by: kip | December 18, 2009 at 01:41 PM
I seriously understand! Of course I'll stick around! Your my dutch friend! lol How would I not ;) See you on fb or here! xo
Posted by: jenn | December 18, 2009 at 02:33 PM
You are totally doing what is right which is following your heart and doing what is right for you. It takes a lot of courage to realize what things in your life are and are not in your best interest and ultimately you have to do what makes you happy. I was inspired by your scrapping and I will continue to be inspired by your photography. Sending you lots of hugs.
Posted by: Martha | December 18, 2009 at 02:36 PM
you are so true by following your heart, and making such decissions is so hard. but on the other side: if you once feel you want to make something you can right? it's not like you throw everything out of your window right? i will miss all the good stuff, but hey we still keep in touch :D. good for you, follow it!
Posted by: Revlie | December 18, 2009 at 02:43 PM
Oh NO! That is so sad, but at the same time I pat you on your back, well done for listening to that little voice, after all, it's always bloody right! ;) I hope (one day) you find your way back to your scrapbook desk. You are, and always will be, my number 1 inspiration - the woman that got me into scrapbooking. Thank you Corinne, I will most certainly stick around.
Posted by: Amanda Reddicliffe | December 18, 2009 at 03:23 PM
hI cORINNE!! i WAS quite surprised to see this news today. You are such a great scrapbooker...
I'm sure in the future you'll come back to scrapbook and such..in the meantime I'll enjoy your photos!
Posted by: Francesca | December 18, 2009 at 03:27 PM
Congrats on your decision...and don't apologize for it...you need to start calling yourself an "artist" in lieu of a "scrapbooker" because the fact is that is what you are...your artist energy was just focused on visual journaling in the form of scapebooks and now you are following the next step for you with your focus on the photos and photography and who knows where that may lead...just go with it and enjoy every minute of it. You will continue to meet more friends and perhaps keep the old but that is okay...they are all part of your journey in creating your life. So happy for you Corinne, fondly, Roberta
Posted by: Roberta | December 18, 2009 at 03:31 PM
Laat het maar gewoon EEN GROOT HALLLLLOOOOO zijn hoor Corinne! Wat een lef... luisteren naar je hart! En als ik naar je werk kijk zit je hart ook echt in het fotograferen... het spat er gewoon vanaf!!! Natuurlijk is het altijd jammer om iets te laten vallen waar je zoveel plezier aan hebt gehad, maar als het plezier er niet meer is - als het je zelfs tegen gaat staan - als het "moeten" en "werken" wordt, dan is het tijd om verder te gaan. De meeste mensen durven die stap niet te zetten... jij wel! Good for you! Je bent me zeker niet kwijt als "volger"... ik blijf je bezoeken en wens je heeeeeeel veel plezier met het volgende avontuur! Geniet van de gemoedsrust die deze beslissing zeker met zich mee brengt (en mocht je, in het ultieme geval, er toch op willen terugkomen dan is dat toch zeker ook nog geen probleem???!!!) Alle liefs, Marit
Posted by: Marit | December 18, 2009 at 03:37 PM
I know exactly how you feel sweetie! That's what happened to me. You start doing too much of it for the wrong reasons and scrap for others instead of yourself which is what you fell in love with in the beginning. You'll be ok and who knows, you may pick it up again after a bit of a break! :) Loves & Smiles!
Posted by: Wendy Hammer | December 18, 2009 at 04:11 PM
life is a journey and scrapbooking was a stop!! i know what you mean!! HUGS!!
Posted by: christiane | December 18, 2009 at 04:16 PM
Sometimes you need to take decisions you don't want to think but you have to. I feel this is one for you. Take care.
I really enjoyed your creations.
Posted by: Leontine | December 18, 2009 at 04:17 PM