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September 02, 2009


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Good for you!


Goed gedaan Corinne! Het is even slikken, maar niet toegeven en consequent blijven is het beste "in the long run"... je zult zien dat de eerlijke en consequente aanpak snel zijn vruchten begint af te werpen en geloof me, het leven wordt er, zowel voor jou als voor de kinderen, een stuk duidelijker, simpeler en vooral prettiger op!


Jammer dat je niet bij het afzwemmen kan zijn!
Ik zie je zondag en maandag!(slaap jij ook in het hotel?)

Diane B.

good for you for sticking to your guns! bet you'll have your kids taking you seriously from now on! :)


Good on you for sticking to your guns! & keep it up! both me & my brother used to fight like mad & embarrass my poor mum in public until the child phycologist told her that we were doing it deliberately, testing the boundaries & that she had to give us one warning & then if we didn't listen do what ever she had said she was going to do - like on a day out if we didn't stop we would go straight home - needless to say we didn't that first time & went home! We soon started listening & even had some pre thought to our next bad/naughty thing by asking if we did something what would be the punishment! LoL
It also has to be backed up by the other parent even if they don't agree at the time - never say that in front of the kids, as they will divide & conquer!
I've used this idea many a time with the kids I used to look after & it works every time!
good luck
seeya hugya *G*


you go girl ;)

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